| Blocked Gate H 75x50cm 95
| Blocked Gate XX 98x95cm 01
| Blocked Gate XXI 133x86cm 01
| Blocked Gate XXII 120x85cm 01
| Red Flower 55x36.5cm silk print on paper, saud with glue and collage 2002
| Untitled 55x36.5cm silk print and sand on paper
| Here Were Flowers Before 100x70cm collage, saud, oil sticks and polior on paper 2003
| Wreath of Thorns 75x56cm charcoal on paper, saud, industry paints wood and plywood 2003
| Dry Branches In Glass 73x53cm saud, industry paints, oil sticks and charcoal on paper 2003
| Dark Window Upon An Inpenetrable Wall 55x36.5cm silk print on paper, saud and glass 2002
| Fragment From The Store House 40.5x38.5cm copper, saud on paper and plywood 2002