Exhibition |
Vth Biennale d'Arte Sacra - 2004 Mary of Nazareth - meeting point of the 3 cultures: Jewish, Christian and Moslem |
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Article |
"Book" - Karemla Berg Wandering Library, The International Artists' Museum 16/5/2004 Article published in Yedioth Achronot newspaper |
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New solo exhibition |
Homage to Rosalda Museum Gilardi, Forte dei Marmi, Lucca, Toscana, Italy 20/9/2002-30/9/2002 Museum Gilardi is organizing Varda Carmelie's "Homage to Rosalda" exhibition, as a homage to Rosalda Gilardi Bernocco. Rosalda, a well-known artist, was the owner of Spazio Gilardi, the moving spirit and the creator of the place and the museum... [Read the full article...] |
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New solo exhibition |
The Great Conjunction opens 8/6/2002 at 20:00 Givatim Theatre, Hashalom and Yitzhak Rabin (40 Remez St.), Givatim. June 2002 Sun-Thu 10:00-19:00, Fri 9:00-13:00, and during shows. tel. 03-7325340 New solo exhibition by sculptor Avi Sperber in Givatim Theatre.
Speakers |
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New Graphic and Computerwork exhibiton |
Metamorphosys Museum Schloss Moritzburg Zeitz, Germany 11/5/2002-18/8/2002 New Graphic and Computerwork exhibition by Neta Dor in Museum Schloss Moritzburg Zeitz, Germany. |
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New Contemporary Art Wing Opened In Hanita Museum Group Exhibition: "Freedom" |
Freedom Hanita Museum 9/3/2002-28/4/2002 A new wing has been opened in the Hanita Museum dedicated to contemporary art. It will host the group exhibition "Freedom" during March and April. Among the participants of the exhibition are Yoram Lilach and Karmela Berg. | ||
Europ'Art |
Europ'Art Espace Auteuil, Paris 13-17/3/2002 New salon of contemporary art featuring 120 participants from 6 european countries and Israel. Among the participants of the exhibition are Karmela Berg, Neta Dor and Varda Carmeli. | ||
The Coaster Project |
THE COASTER PROJECT, DESTINATION: THE WORLD Around the world 9-19/5/2002 Karmela Berg and Neta Dor were invited to participate in "The Coaster Project, Destination: The World" as two of 99 artists in 99 exhibits around the globe. In the spirit of artistic independance and insurgency, the goal is to make art freely accessible to communities throughout the world. From March 9th to May 19th, the TransCultural Exchange will stage an event at the Fuller Museum of Art in Brockton, Massachusetts, just outside Boston. After the exhibition, the coasters will be given away and freely distributed at various locales throughout the world. Karmela Berg's coaster exhibition will take place at the Cinemateque, Tel-Aviv and Neta Dor's at Mitzpeh Hayamim, Galilee. | ||
Biennale Internazionale dell'Arte Contemporanea, Florence |
BIENNALE INTERNAZIONALE DELL'ARTE CONTMPORANEA - FLORENCE Fortezza da Basso 7-16/12/2001 The Florence Bienalle 2001, in only its third edition, is already the world's most comprehensive exhibition of international contemporary art. This year the United Nations has recognized the Biennale as an official participant in the UN program for "Dialogue among Civilizations". The Biennale hosted over 625 artists from 50 countries. | ||
Members of Artists Online participate in JaffArt - a summer art festival in Old Jaffa |
JAFFART - SUMMER FESTIVAL IN OLD JAFFA 8 nights of culture in Old Jaffa. 24/8/2000 - 2/9/2000 18:30-23:30 (except Friday) free admittance
Artists, painters, scuplturers, stylists, computer art, outdoor exhibits, portraits, caricatures, workshops. | ||
Members of Artists Online participate in a pro-ecology exhibition in Beit-Bialik: "Green Not Cement- Artists follow poet H.N. Bialik" |
GREEN NOT CEMENT | ARTISTS FOLLOW POET H.N. BIALIK opens 15/5/2000 at 19:30, Beit Bialik, 22 Bialik St., Tel-Aviv Jaffa. (15/5/2000 - 30/6/2000 Sun-Thu 9:00-17:00, Sat 11:00-14:00, tel. 03-5254530)
"I'm tired of sitting in my couch at home and complaining. I've decided to do something to improve the situation. So i'm doing it."
Participating Artists: |